Welcome to the Spanish Ultrasonics Society!

About the society

The Spanish Ultrasonics Society was created to promote activities, training, networking and technology transfer in ultrasonic technologies, to foster cooperation between research groups, industry and relevant sectors.


Group meetings

The research activities of the members are shared during different events. We aim to gather all the researchers and industrial partners actively working in ultrasound to foster the collaboration. An annual meeting is organized as a satellite conference or special session during a conference. Join us!

Research Seminars

The goal of the society is to disseminate and share internal research seminars on Ultrasonics to give full accessibility and coverage to the whole community. You can view online, recorded or on-site seminars from other groups. Feel free to share your agenda with us if you plan to host a seminar at your institution!

Training activities

Here you can find incoming training activities, including courses, summer schools and seminars. If you are organizing any training activity in ultrasonics, please, tell us!

Job offer

We offer a list of open positions and grants to work in ultrasonic technologies. Join the mailing list and visit our job board for advice on employment opportunities. If you are an employer, let us know about your open job vacancy, we will help you find the right candidate.

News, results and achievements

Here you can find the latest advances achieved in ultrasound, from research results to technology transfer actions, as well as any other related news of your interest. If you want to promote your results, please contact us, and we will help you to reach broader audiences!

Event agenda

We gather the main events on ultrasonic technologies and theirs applications in the agenda. Follow our calendar to stay up to date. If you are organizing an event, please let us know!


Join the society